Malaysia Carbon Market Forum 2023

05 October 2023
Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
Malaysia Carbon Market Forum 2023: Empowering Climate Actions through Carbon Markets

Launched on 9 December 2022, Bursa Carbon Exchange (BCX) is Malaysia’s commitment towards encouraging sustainable growth, ensuring competitiveness and staying relevant in the global market, ultimately enabling Malaysia to achieve an aspiration of its target of becoming a net zero greenhouse gas emission (GHG) country nation as early as 2050.

Providing a trading platform of carbon credits between green asset owners and other entities to enable the transition towards low-carbon practices is not enough. The success of the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) is dependent on the development and nurturing of a vibrant local ecosystem that brings together key actors and players. As part of this effort, BCX is organizing Malaysia’s inaugural Carbon Market Forum in conjunction with the International Greentech and Eco Products Exhibition and Conference Malaysia (iGEM).

The inaugural Carbon Forum will be held as a half-day event. With knowledge sharing as the focus, participants will have the opportunity to learn from both local and leading experts in the field, as well as network with the wider VCM community.

Datuk Muhamad Umar Swift
Chief Executive Officer
Bursa Malaysia Berhad
YB Nik Nazmi bin Nik Ahmad
Minister of Natural Resources &
Environmental Sustainability